Definition of calibration according to ISO / IEC Guide 17025:2005 and the International Vocabulary of Metrology ( VIM ) is a series of events that make up the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system , or values represented by a material measure , with values already known relating of magnitudes measured under certain conditions . In other words , the calibration is to determine the activity of conventional truth value designation of measuring instruments and measuring ingredients by comparing against standard measuring mamputelusur ( traceable ) to a national standard for the unit of measure and / or internationally.
The purpose of calibration is to achieve traceability of measurement . The measurement results can be linked / traced up to a higher standard / researching ( primary standards and national / international ) , through an unbroken series of comparisons .
Benefits calibration is as follows :
The basic principle of calibration :
Calibration results include:
TUR ( Test Uncertainty Ratio ) is the ratio between the uncertainty characteristics ( specified ) of the instrument is calibrated against uncertainty kalibratornya instrument ( instrument specifications can be regarded as the greatest uncertainty )
Calibration interval :
Can be expressed in several ways :
Calibration in Indonesia consists of :
source : KIM LIPI
Mr. I Ketut Suada
Laboratory :
Panorama Serpong Blok C2 No. 12-12A, Baktijaya, Setu, Tangerang Selatan 15315
Telephone :
021-2930 8235
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Representative Office :
Jl. PJHI Batakan No. 70A RT 15, Manggar, Kec. Balikpapan Timur, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76116