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» Category : Calibration
Jumat, 04 April 2014 - 15:02:56 WIB
Why Calibration Mandatory ?As explained in the previous post that the calibration is voluntary, unlike the calibration which is a liability if an effect on economic activity.Then the question why in an industry itself as calibration activities will be mandatory.. ?As we know, today is probably almost all industries, especially in Indonesian big industry implement a system of management, whether ... more ...
Jumat, 04 April 2014 - 13:42:22 WIB
Talking about the benefits of better calibration if we directly present the case study directly.Like friends know this calibration activity is to ensure that it is actually something that we measure is true or not, in the sense that what is not traceable.Now let 's suppose a bit what is the impact of improper measurement.The first example :Of course my friends are already familiar with what the ... more ...
Jumat, 04 April 2014 - 11:01:54 WIB
Definition of calibration according to ISO / IEC Guide 17025:2005 and the International Vocabulary of Metrology ( VIM ) is a series of events that make up the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system , or values represented by a material measure , with values already known relating of magnitudes measured under certain conditions . In other words , the ... more ...
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